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CETC ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENT GROUP CO., LTD.     京ICP备19002250号-1     京公网安备11010602005565号 | Powered by www.300.cn





About Us

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The 2nd Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation is founded in 1962, specially engaged in research of electronics equipments technology and development and manufacture of special production equipments of electronics industry. The main two business direction of CETC2 are the electronics manufacturing equipments and the semiconductor materials, such as the manufacturing equipments for liquid crystal display device, semiconductor and IC manufacturing equipments, polycrystalline silicon chips and SIC monocrystalline polishing, etc. CETC2 is always committed to the development of defense electronics and information industry, aiming at the domestic electronic special equipment pioneer and leader in semiconductor materials in the field. By taking the improvement of the products’ quality and creation value for customers as its’ own duty, CETC2 will make greater contributions to the development of our country electronic special equipment and semiconductor industr    

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